

Work alongside the UK board and top 25 Leadership Team to support their aspiration to develop and implement a new three year vision and strategy for the business.

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Listen and Inquire – conversations to sense what matters most and to explore current individual and team perspectives.

Is there a gap between your espoused and enacted values?

  • Are you good at ‘reading’ the behaviours and dynamics of your peers and direct reports? Is there room for improvement?
  • Are you demonstrating the kinds of behaviours you would like others to emulate?
  • Are you fully using your collective capability - i.e. are you working well as  teams when you need to? If not, what do you need to do differently?
  • Is there agreement about which performance goals require team work and which do not?
  • Are there unspoken issues which need to be explored/resolved in order to improve leadership team performance?
  • What do you need to be doing differently to have greater impact and influence across the teams you lead?

Which led to the creation and facilitation of  cross business unit teams to:

  • Think strategically about the emerging vision and to shape the vision by adding their own creative & collective intelligence
  • Develop stronger relationships & better quality conversations across the business units that begin to cut through organisational divisions and silos.
  • Identify ‘experiments’, questions and challenges that will help teams discover what should be conserved and what new possibilities could be nurtured.


  • Clarity about the collective purpose of the Leadership Group
  • Teams are less complacent and compliant and more influential and proactive.
  • The culture is less ‘command and control’, allowing more autonomy and creativity in the business.
  • Individuals are more self aware, resilient and able to manage their time effectively. Less time taken off for stress related illness.
  • Teams are able to collaborate, have honest conversations  and have developed greater insight in to cross departmental objectives, processes and capabilities.
  • Leadership intentions and strategies are visible and understood across the organisation and industry.